Friday, January 23, 2009

One Step Forward and two steps back

Yesterday, I was going to post a blog stating how excited we were that Braden is finally pottie trained and how exciting it is only to have one kid in diapers and how nostalgic it is to have kids that are growing up (Although sometimes Blake and Kaitlyn act like they are two), but Braden was distracted by fishing on the Wii and had an accident {Skip this part if you don't want the details --- Both number 1 and number 2 in underpants (a small note here about how grateful I am for Rayma and the fact that I was at work) In Rayma's words it was "disgusting")}

Therefore we are starting over and trying to take one step forward without taking two steps back.


Nicole said...

isn't that how it always goes? you think you are making progress on something and then it all goes out the window! Braden will get there.
It just takes time. Good luck, in the mean time!

shantel said...

I was hoping too also post on having Hannah potty trained, but..... she just isn't getting it!! So for my sanity I'm given up for a month :( How long have you been training him?? I tried for two days with Hannah and after 8 accidents and nothing in the toilet I gave up. At least he's trained, he'll have a few accidents for a little while.

Corey said...

This is our second time training him. We tried just after Caleb was born but it didn't work. We have been at it for propbably 10 days now!

Hyo said...

I hate potty training...I hate poop and I hate pee....good luck you two.