We were very grateful this thanksgiving to have everyone on the Hobb's side (except Michael and Shantel and their family who we missed dearly) at our house. We have a great time. We ate way too much and then we ate some more. We were grateful that all could make it out to our house safely and we could spend some time together. We spent most of the time visitng with each other and learning why Twilight is an aphrodisiac for some. We also found out that Susan can read. Well we knew that she could read, but we found out that she does read and Tony likes it when she does, because he can play uninterrupted for hours on his Wii.It would take too long to recount all of the things that we are grateful for this year and the many miracles that have transpired in the family over the past little while. It sufficieth to say that we are forever indebted to our Heavenly Father for our many blessings including this wonderful family.