I noticed this on Shantel's blog and since there isn't much to talk about lately, I will give this a try!
1. The Office
2. Life
3. Chuck
4. The Simpsons
5. Scrubs
6. Sportscenter
7. Lost (all though I missed a whole season, so I need to catch up)
8. The Cosby Show (got all 8 seasons for Christmas - very funny!)
8 Favorite Dishes
1. Shrimp alfredo over penne pasta (or tortillini or ravioli, etc.)
2. Pot Stickers and sweat and sour, lemon, seasome chicken
3. Prime Rib or a good medium rare steak
4. A well made subway sandwich with all of my favorite trimmings (Jason Deli's or Gandolfos make the ones I like)
5. Nachos (chicken nachos in particular)
6. Make your own taco night
7. Lasagna ( I have really grown found of Italian food lately. I don't know if there is a bad Italian dish at this point or at least one I wouldn't try)
8. Barbeque (Both Joe Morley's Barbeque and Burgers, dogs and brats on the barbeque grill)
8 Things that Happened yesterday
1. Went to PEC
2. Went to Church
3. Went to BYC with the Bishop
4. It was the fourth consecutive day that Braden went without an accident. He actually went to church with underpants one - scarry!
5. Had an amazing homemade toasted subway sandwich
6. Took a nap for the first time in close to 4 months
7. Ate Ice Cream for dinner!
8. Went to bed early to try and kick this cold that I have had for three days
8 Things I look Forward to
1. Summer
2. Days off
3. Spring
4. Spending time with my family
5. College Football Season
6. March Madness
7. Opening Day
8. A Better economy
8 Things I love about Winter
1. Driving in the snow
2. Crazy drivers in trucks and suv's in the snow
3. My 100 mile daily commute in the snow
4. The cold
5. Getting colds
6. Stir-crazy kids who fight all the time becasue they can't go outsige
7. shoveling snow
8. Hot Chocolate
8 Things on my Wish List
1. A yard that my kids can play in
2. That my kids always choose the right and get married in the temple
3. That if my kids don't accomplish number 2, that they will repent and know they are loved
4. Health for me and my entire family
5. If possible, A job closer to home
6. To golf more
7. Have a vacation house in St. George
8. Enduring to the end